More than 50 accredited and pre-accredited colleges nationwide offer Master’s and Doctorate degree programs in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. Accreditation status (by the ACAOM) is important as it represents the highest level of educational program quality assurance in the U.S. Use the link below to search for an accredited (or pre-accredited) college.
Reviewing college websites, visiting campuses and talking to administrators, faculty, current students, and graduates all provide valuable information to compare and differentiate choices. Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine colleges offer many different programs (including online!) and often have different philosophies and approaches. There is significant diversity in the curriculum between colleges, with representation of the traditional Chinese, Japanese, Five Element, Korean, and Vietnamese traditions.
1. Scroll in or use the +/- symbol to see a more detailed view.
2. Hover over or click on each pin or cluster on the map to see the school names. Numbers indicate multiple schools in that area.
3. Click on the pin or cluster to see school details, including website, email and detailed address.